Best Book for ESIC MTS Exam
Candidates may easily crack the questions asked in both the preliminary and main exams of the Employee State Insurance Corporation Multi Tasking Staff Exam with the help of the ESIC MTS Books.
The candidates, in addition to the books, should also adhere to the preparation approach that is pertinent to the examination.
When selecting books to prepare for the ESIC MTS exam, applicants should make sure that the contents of the books they choose are by the examination's syllabus.
- The required books for each of the topics covered in the ESIC MTS Examination 2023 are offered in paperback and digital format (in the form of a PDF file) for your studying convenience.
- The names of the important ESIC MTS books are included in this article, where applicants can check them out.
- According to the notification, the ESIC MTS exam is conducted primarily over the process of two phases, which are referred to as the Preliminary Stage and the Mains Stage.
- To qualify for the post of ESIC MTS, the candidates have to show up for both of the Papers.
- According to the ESIC MTS Exam Pattern, there will be four subjects, including General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension, in both the preliminary examination and the main examination.
- The main examination will be in English/Hindi, in some states/regions some regional languages are also included.
- The content that is included in the preparation books should always be followed by the candidates because doing
so will enable them to successfully complete the ESIC Multi Tasking Staff Recruitment.
Books on the ESIC MTS Exam for the Preliminary Stage in 2023
The ESIC MTS Exam Pattern specifies that there will be only one written test for each level, so the Preliminaries and the Mains, respectively.
Therefore, for the applicants to have the best chance of doing well on the exam, they should only refer to the books that are relevant from the aspect of the examination.
Not only do the ESIC MTS Books go through the material that will be on the exam's syllabus, but they also prove to be extremely useful resources for practice questions.
The names of the ESIC MTS Prelims books that are relevant for the preparation of the exam are listed below for the candidates to review.
Best Books for General Intelligence and Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning, Seating Arrangement, input-output, Syllogism, Blood Relations, and various other coding-decoding questions are included in the General Intelligence and Reasoning section of the exam.
The following books are available for use as references during preparation.
A Modern Approach To Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning
By - R.S. Agarwal

This book will be able to improve their reasoning skills and perform better on this part of competitive examinations if they use the information in this book.
It is important to give it a try. Despite the fact that it is an updated edition.
This book will help candidates learn the techniques they need to know because it details all three types of reasoning.
Analytical Reasoning
- by M.K Pandey

This is a very good book. It offers a clear explanation for each topic, as well as a unique collection of patterns that are applicable to each topic.
As you study through this book, you'll find solutions to situations that you never would have imagined possible.
It provides quick solutions to problems and ways to carry out tasks, both of which are extremely easily stored in your mind.
For any and all competitive examinations, this is the greatest book available.
A New Approach to REASONING Verbal, Non-Verbal & Analytical
- by BS Sijwalii & Indu Sijwali (Arihant Publication)

This book covers topics that are core competencies that are examined in competitive examinations, such as analytical ability and logical reasoning.
A very good book. If you want theory and shortcuts first, then it is better than R.S. Aggarwal. It is the best for practice.
- Excellent theory: Choose this book if you don't understand reasoning. Most chapters are covered and explained well.
- Enough questions to learn the basics
- Chapters cover all forms of questioning. There are so many questions.
Best Quantative Aptitude Books for ESIC MTS
The following books are the best ones to read in order to prepare for the quantitative aptitude part of the preliminary and mains exams.
Quantative Aptitude
- by RS Aggarwal (S. Chand)

Comprehensive: With over 5500 questions (followed by answers and solutions, a hallmark of quantitative aptitude), this book is more comprehensive than ever before.
simple to follow: Beginning each chapter is an easy-to-understand theory supplemented by formulas and solved examples. They are then followed by a wide variety of practice questions.
Recent and updated: This book includes the most recent examination trends as well as practice questions with memory-based questions from tests through the year 2016.
Advance Maths
- by Rakesh Yadav

The book has more than 5500 questions, regarding Mathematics (Quantitative Aptitude) making it quite comprehensive.
This book includes all of the important parts that are required to learn arithmetic ideas, and it contains a perfect collection of basic concepts as well as short tricks to solve a range of problems.
This book has a variety of questions on advanced math arranged by chapter, along with error-free solutions, and it is designed for use in preparation for competitive exams.
Best Books for General Awareness - ESIC MTS Book
General Knowledge 2023
- by Manohar Pandey (Arihant)

This book is a concise summary of all of the most recent events that occurred throughout the whole year.
When it comes to clearing government exams, the only factor that matters is being updated.
The Series of General Knowledge and General Studies is equipped with a comprehensive collection of Chapterwise Questions in an objective format for thorough and accurate exam preparation.
Objective General Knowledge
- by Lucent

This book helps study the content, and it also contains questions from previous years that are connected to the topic and helps readers become familiar with the format of the examination.
Encyclopedia of General Science for General Competitions
- by Arihant

Because this book supports students in passing competitive examinations, it features a thousand (10000) questions with various possible answers.
The students who are not studying science will find that certain aspects of the material have had their difficulty reduced.
Best Books for English - ESIC MTS Book
Descriptive English
- SP Bakshi & Richa Sharma (Arihant)

This book covers a variety of topics, including essay writing, paragraph writing, expanding on ideas, and precise writing, amongst others.
Candidates who go through this book will be better prepared to score well overall in future examinations because it covers several areas of the English language.
Essential English for Objective Questions
- Dr. Rashmi Singh (Disha)

This book covers all of the basic aspects, as well as the important forms and patterns of multiple-choice questions that are asked in the various competitive examinations that are taken in India.
ESIC MTS Mains Books 2023
According to the official ESIC MTS 2023 notification, the subjects for both stages, i.e. prelims and mains, would be the same. You can therefore use the same books described above to study for the main exam.
However, you must prepare much more thoroughly this time because the number of questions will nearly double.
The exam format for the ESIC MTS Exam is provided below for your convenience.
ESIC MTS Recruitment Exam Pattern 2023 (Expected)
Here is the exam format for the ESIC MTS recruitment.
Keep in mind that both levels cover the same topics, but differ in the number of questions and level of difficulty. Prepare accordingly then.
ESIC MTS Exam Preliminary Structure
General intelligence and reasoning, general knowledge, quantitative aptitude, and English proficiency are the relevant topics. You will receive 25 questions per subject
You will encounter the same topics here as well. However, there are now twice as many questions to answer here.
On the other hand, the marks in question are equal.
Strategy for the ESIC MTS Exam in 2023
Preparation Strategy is one of the most important criteria to prepare for the Recruitment Exam.
However, passing the exam is not as simple as it may appear.
Therefore, candidates must review the preparation strategies offered by those who have previously passed the ESIC MTS:
- Start by learning the basics of each examination subject.
- The examination questions will be Objective type; hence, the fundamental concepts must be clarified. This will help in quickly clearing the ESIC MTS Cut-Off List.
- Aside from using the right study materials, students shouldn't forget anything else when getting ready for an exam.
- To prepare for each subject with ease, you can read the list of recommended books included in this post.
- Do not miss taking simple notes when learning. Notes serve a dual purpose.
- First of all, taking notes lets you spend a certain amount of time on a topic, which helps you understand it well.
- Second, when revising, you can simply open your notes and review the relevant topics. Therefore, candidates are recommended to keep notes.
- The last thing applicants studying for the ESIC MTS 2023 should do is follow mock tests that precisely match the examination's requirements. A further advantage of such an exercise is that it provides an overview of the weak and strong regions. This will help applicants identify the mistakes they are making as candidates and how to avoid them during the actual examinations.
- The ESIC MTS Result List will contain the names of candidates who achieved the minimum qualifying score requirements.
The above mentioned books are the best for preparing for both preliminary and main exams in general knowledge.
In addition, you must read the newspaper every day and the most important news from the past five to six months, including all the major financial events, personalities, and other information.
Examine your general awareness (knowledge) with the top mock exams.
In the General Intelligence and Reasoning section of the exam, there are questions about verbal reasoning, seating arrangements, input-output, syllogisms, blood relations, and other coding-decoding questions. The following books are available for use as references during preparation.
The following books are the best ones to read in order to prepare for the quantitative aptitude part of the preliminary and main exams.
The authentic sources for the preparation of English comprehension is Descriptive English (For All Competitive Examinations) by Richa Sharma and S.P. Bakshi and Essential English for Objective Questions by Dr. Rashmi Singh (Disha)
The candidates can use "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams" by R.S. Agarwal and "Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Paperback" written by Rajesh Varma for the preparation of Quantitative Aptitude (Math section)
You can always buy the books necessary for preparing for the ESIC MTS 2022 from an online portal or offline stores.
You might refer to books like "A New Approach to Reasoning: Verbal Non-Verbal & Analytical" by B.S. Sijwali, Indu Sijwali and "A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning" by R.S. Aggarwal to do well preparation for ESIC MTS Exams.
The books recommended for the ESIC MTS exam 2022 do, in fact, come in an electronic format that can be found on the internet.
There are many books available in the market, and you can choose any of these, as such, there is no best book that has the capacity to help you top the exam.
This answer will depend on the candidate because everyone has different potential.
The book Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Aggarwal is the most helpful resource for the Quantitative Aptitude section of the ESIC MTS exam.
An expert compilation by Arihant publishing is the best book for science, and it was recommended by experts.
The book "general awareness" from Arihant publishing is the best book for general knowledge.